niedziela, 20 marca 2011

Site Talk

I want to present you a new network that pay us for being active member.


If  you are interested in the serious business connected with entertainment, in which:
- No need to buy anything
- You don't have to to sell anything
- No need to spend a penny

SiteTalk is a completely new form of monetization on the Internet. Never before has there been anything like it!
SiteTalk combines the features of a free social networking site with unlimited possibilities of building a financial future.

Make Money:
For each activity and the activity of our friends that are invited will get a weekly money. With friends invited by our friends and get points.
Each invited person per week for a minimum of one hour is active:

- reading a comment 
- playing games 
- shopping, etc. 
will generate you the week 1 point (1 point = 1 euro). But as you get free from the sum of 5%, for example, 500 active registered under us - 25 euro a week, 2000 - 100 euro, etc.


To earn more money the manufacturer has prepared packets States:

- basic package 149 euros (optional one-time fee), you are entitled to a payout of 10% each week, up to 500 Euros

- Bronze Package 500 euros (optional one-time fee) - authorizes the payment of 10%, but the maximum weekly amount is 2500 euro, in addition to this package you get: "stock options" portal in the amount of 125 euro voucher for the tour card, Mastercard Towah to pay their money to SiteTalk, a voucher for a course in internal education program conducted with the University of Oxford

- Gold Package 2000 euros (optional one-time fee) - authorizes the payment of 10% and a maximum of 12,500 euro, stock options for 1000 euro, 2 x voucher for the tour, 2x voucher for a course in Oxford, Towah Card Mastercard.

To register, click on the link, then "Singup" and supplement their data (choose your language in the lower left corner).

With the creation of an account is automatically created on the second: (business company supplying SiteTalk)


If you want to earn money, you must follow this easy step after you register:

- log in to your profile at and necessarily complement it (editing tool and is presented in the upper left corner, with the logo), then the bar under the photo disappears, it is necessary to calculate points
- To make money we must be "active", that we have at least 3 times a week, log on to the portal

Additional Information:
- in the upper right corner there is a search bar that lets you find friends and attach them to a contact group
- you can invite your friends through our unique address: / yourname
- a list of its members (supplied by our friends, as well as individuals, joined by our friends) we find the (name and password, such as that given at the registration tab in the genealogy, the tree in your State

Join Now